Power To The People Dad Hat (Black / Purple)

Regular price $34.00

Power To The People
We are a Minority-owned brand. To this day, we are finding it increasingly hard to find the words to understand these social injustices plaguing our society. Most recently, the horrendous events costing Mr. George Floyd his life is added to the list of other Black Americans who have suffered at the hands of social injustice as well. Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and many more—remember their names. We at 1LoveIe are more than a clothing brand, we are a lifestyle brand, and we truly believe that all lives can't matter until black lives matter as well. We pledge to continue to do our part to spread peace, love, and unity for all of humankind. Even more importantly, we are dedicated to being a leader in our community, and with this collection launch, we will be donating 100% of all proceeds to the Riverside chapter of the NAACP. In doing so, we hope we can assist them in their mission and goal of having a society in which all individuals are treated equally, regardless of color. Our country is hurting. Let’s try to heal that with more love. And as always, it is our belief and motto, that no matter where you are from, "Together We Are One".
- Low Profile
- Brass Buckle Closure
- Antique Brass Grommet hideaway closure
- Unstructured
- 6 panels
- 100% Cotton
- Front Embrodiery
- Back Embrodiery